No Jab. No Play.
From 1 January 2016, by law, parents/guardians seeking to enrol their child at a Buddies ELC will be required to provide an Immunisation History Statement that shows the child:
is up-to-date with vaccinations for their age OR
is on vaccine catch-up schedule OR
has a medical condition preventing them from being fully vaccinated.
To obtain a copy of an Immunisation History Statement for your child, contact Medicare on either:
1800 653 809
visit the Medicare website; or
visit your local Medicare office.
If your child has a medical reason that they cannot be vaccinated, an Immunisation Exemption Medical Contraindication form will need to be obtained from Medicare (available for download from signed by a GP, and provided to Buddies at time of enrolment.
If your child is not up to date with their vaccinations see your doctor or local council to discuss a catch-up schedule of vaccinations. Local councils run immunisation sessions where vaccines are provided free to children. Alternatively, GPs or immunisation nurses can provide the vaccines.
A grace period applies to certain families in some circumstances — please discuss with the Buddies Enrolments team if you are unsure or believe it may apply to you.
Overseas immunisation records will not be accepted. Children who were vaccinated overseas must attend a doctor/ immunisation nurse to have their overseas immunisation record assessed and will be offered immunisation as required. You will need to provide Buddies with an immunisation status certificate before your child can attend kindergarten.
For more information regarding Victorian Government’s No Jab No Play, please refer to the Better Health Channel website.